Most people don’t even like to think about their own mortality. Planning your own funeral means admitting that you will indeed one day die. It also means getting what you desire for the right price while offering yourself and your loved ones peace of mind. If you have considered planning your own funeral, here are some reasons to stop procrastinating and start planning,
Get What you want:
While you plan your own funeral, you are ensuring that you get everything you want and nothing that you don’t. You can decide what you want done with your corpse, whether it’s to be buried, cremated or donated to science. If you choose to be buried, you can choose your own burial plot, mausoleum and casket. If you had rather be cremated, you can decide whether to place your ashes in a columbarium, which is a mausoleum dedicated to this purpose, or be scattered according to state laws.
You can also choose the type of funeral service you want by requesting that your loved ones throw a party to celebrate a life well lived, without your body present, or decide to have a traditional funeral service with a viewing of your casket or anything in between. Planning your own funeral service will ensure the guests honor and remember you the way you had like them to.
Save Money:
Most funerals are planned after the person has already died. It’s done by family members who are grieving for the loss of someone they love. So making the decisions ahead of time can reduce the amount of “emotional” money spent. By planning ahead, you can make sure that your loved ones are aware of any available death benefits. Social Security pays a one-time lump sum, and the Vets Administration has a benefit for veterans. Your private indemnity, trade union or church may have benefits that you’re entitled to as well. So by planning ahead, you can have all this information available for your loved ones.
Pay in Advance:
Generally it's not recommended to pay for your funeral services in advance, it may be something you want to consider if you’re trying to “spend down” your assets to qualify for Medicaid. This would be done only if you’re planning on staying where you are and feel confident that the company you are choosing will stay in business for a while. A better option for most people is to set aside the money to pay for your funeral in a third party trust fund. This way your money will continue to accrue interest until the money needed. All you need to do will be constitute someone in charge of the account and make sure they know how to access it when the time comes.
Lessen the Burden on Your Loved Ones:
Losing someone you are loving is an emotional and very difficult time. Clambering to make funeral arrangements and find the money to pay for them are not ideal ways to spend the first few days of grieving. So by planning your own funeral in advance, you have given your loved ones a gift. You are letting them to focus on their grief and celebrate your life without worrying about what to do next.
Peace of Mind:
Planning your own funeral gives you peace of mind. You know that, when the time comes, things will be done your way with your money. You have taken off the burden of your loved ones and made your own decisions.
Planning your own funeral may seem odd to some but it is on the increase as a practice. More and more people are realizing just how helpful it will be for a grieving and stressed family to know the funeral wishes of their loved one.