January 26, 2011

Making Funeral Plans for the First Time

When a cherished one dies, there are certain steps that must be taken to getting prepared for a Funeral Ceremony of a cherished one. These include contacting the funeral service, the florists, obituary publishers and etc....However, here are some steps to take when a cherished one does pass.

Death of Cherished one:

If your cherished one passes at home, you should contact a funeral service and be prepared to stay with the cherished one's body while several essential pieces of official business are completed. Usually, the funeral service will send their undertaker to your home to pronounce the official death and perform the necessary paper works before conveying the body to the funeral service. If the cherished one dies in a hospital, the nurses will prepare the body and let any family present to spend a few moments with their cherished one, and then have the body transferred to the morgue. From here, a funeral service will be contacted.

Funeral Services:

If your cherished one has passed without making specific arrangements, then the family should be prepared to make decisions regarding casket type, conveyance, flowers, obituary releases and etc..So you better appoint anyone with a certain amount of business acumen to make such decisions. Most importantly, the choices should reflect the choices the cherished one would have likely made. From this point, the funeral service will handle the body's preparation including dressing the cherished one in clothes provided by the family and preparing the body for viewing. Generally, the funeral service will also provide obituary releases as requested.

Ceremony, Floral Arrangements and Viewings:

The family will be expected to select a viewing time and coordinate the chapel to handle the services. It is important to converse with a florist to coordinate displays and provide floral arrangements. Again, funeral services have florist options available. However, the family may wish to select an "official" florist and notify the florist of the arrangements so people wishing to send condolences may be assured of flowers reaching the correct ceremony. After these arrangements have been made, it is time to focus on comforting each other and remembering the cherished one with plenty of family time scheduled for receptions at the viewing and lunches before the funeral.

It's difficult to lose a cherished one and even more difficult to have the obligation of arranging the funeral. Being aware of the first steps to take will alleviate much of the worry. In addition to being aware of what funeral service services encompass, it helps to know the items which will fall to the family to handle.

Funeral services will bear the brunt of the necessities but bringing the personal touch to the funeral is a family's responsibility. The funeral clothes, chapel selection, floral selections and obituary specifics are parts of the funeral the family will handle. This assures the cherished one's passing is handled in a manner reflecting the love, dignity and character of the cherished one's life.