July 30, 2011

Funeral cost - Funeral Service Reception at Home for Friends and Family

Funeral planning : Once the funeral service has been completed, it's proper etiquette for the family of the perished to host a reception. The reception is announced to all the friends and the relatives at the end of the funeral service or included as part of the paper program given at the funeral. The family of the perished should decide who they would like to invite to the funeral reception. If they prefer, they can invite only the family to the reception. A funeral reception should be somewhat intimate, so it will be best to choose those who were relatively close to the perished. Friends, co-workers, classmates and neighbors are all possibilities.

But in general, planning a funeral reception can be emotionally difficult, as it forces you to think about your loved one who has died and consider how he would most like to be remembered. However, for many people, funerals are a chance to share their memories of the deceased with others. Many consider it a crucial step in the healing process. The decorations for a funeral reception can help facilitate such an atmosphere of community and reflection. Use the decorations as a way of encouraging the grievers to celebrate the perished's life.

The setting is an important element to the atmosphere. Most receptions are take place in an intimate setting such as a home, but it's also possible to have the reception in a park, on a beach, or in a church fellowship hall. Some funeral homes are equipped with facilities available for a reception or, if you prefer something more formal, a restaurant will often have a room for guests to congregate. Receptions should begin by giving refreshments such as coffee, tea, and juice. Include pastries, cookies and finger foods. You can serve light refreshments or an elaborate dinner. A buffet or pot luck is a stress-free idea to provide nourishment for your guests, or you may choose to have the meal catered by a restaurant.

Make an atmosphere which honors the memory of the perished. Play the favorite CD of the perished person. You may also have on display pictures of the perished, as well as special tokens from her life, such as awards, trophies and other objects from her life. Personalizing the reception is an important way to help the guests honor the one who has passed away.

For more details about Funeral arrangements