Free trial: Death is inevitable for all of us. It could be sudden or expected after a long illness, but for sure it comes to us all. As sad as it can be we have to deal with it. Therefore arranging funerals are also unavoidable.
What can shock most of us is the multitude of tasks and costs involved in planning funeral. It can be an over-bearing stress for even the most calm and organized amongst us, especially when someone has died unexpectedly. So pre-planning a funeral for yourself or a loved one needs a funeral checklist and a plan of action. Here are some tips that might help you.
Initially it may be that letting a local Funeral Director take full control of the arrangements is just better for you. There are many funeral directors' who can handle all the usual aspects for funerals. They have the experience and will do it in organized way. They know who to call and will definitely take away a lot of the stress and emotion attached to a death. If this is for you, then go to a funeral director or local funeral home and talk to him or her about the arrangements. If this affects other people you may wish to go together to talk to a funeral director. If you are helping a family member or friend to plan a funeral they may wish to attend to. Some local Funeral Directors can make home visits it it is easier for you. You should enquire with him all the options available in organizing the funeral. Make sure it is best for YOU and that it is within your budget. Be firm and explain your requirements.
The funeral director will provide you with different options after listening to your concerns and needs. So have the check list of the following things to discuss when you are arranging for a funeral. While meeting the funeral director state them clearly about the clothes or jewellery which is to be worn by the burial body. Discuss to him about the things you would like: such as funeral-casket type or whether it is to be cremation or burial. What religion should this be? Many other funeral things can be discussed like burial plots, flowers, donations, tree-planting ceremony, graveside ceremony, funeral service, music, poetry readings.
Conduct a discussion to the funeral director which will help you make many of these decisions based on your needs, wishes, wants and budget. Always record your funeral plans and make copies. If you change your mind later make sure it is recorded, dated and signed where possible. Put these plans in a safe place. Tell key family members where the plans are so this will help them arrange the funeral.
The main thing is to get active with your funeral plans well in advance of any major illness – that way the funeral will be more of what you (or the deceased) wanted. It really does make sense to pre-plan a funeral.
For more details about bereavement