Though funerals are a certainly a solemn occasion, it can often help to make them more positive by approaching them with a green mindset. Whether your perished loved one has planned to have a green funeral or you are able to make that decision on your own, there are many important components to take into consideration in order to make sure the entire funeral as Eco-friendly. Here we have given some of the tips to help you organize a Green Funeral,
- First, you must decide what to do with the departeds body. There are many options, all of which are green. The first is cremation. Over the past several years, crematoriums have made an effort to lower their emissions. Despite minimal pollution, cremating may be better for the environment than traditional burials.
- If you like to choose a method against cremation, go with burial, here you are burying your deceased in a green cemetery in an Eco-friendly casket. Under these circumstances, the body eventually decomposes, becoming part of the earth. Many processes that are part of traditional funerals, such as embalming, traditional coffins and concrete vaults, delay this process, adding negative products to the earth. Green cemeteries do not allow any of these things to be exposed to the environment within their perimeter.
- In an attempt to lessen the impact of ground burials, try a few new things. Select one of the many Eco-friendly caskets available which come in a wide variety of materials. Bamboo, cardboard and other highly biodegradable goods are also wonderful options.
- Another option is to decide against embalming. Embalming is inessential if a closed casket ceremony is chosen. The embalming process can be defined as replacing the liquids in the body with preservatives, however, these chemicals are incredibly harmful to the environment over time.
- Choose a green burial ground. This simple choice will prescribe many of the different aspects of your wedding (such as whether or not to embalm, the type of casket to choose, etc.) as green cemeteries have particular criteria for allowing the deceased to be buried within their perimeter. Green burial grounds support the healthy growth of native flora and fauna and protect the land on which they sit from encroaching development.
- Skip the vault. Vaults are just a concrete or metal boxes that hold the casket once it is lowered into the ground. Vault defends the casket and also prevents the ground from settling as the casket deteriorates. Families should either choose a cemetery where vaults are optional or a green cemetery where vaults are not allowed.
- If you choose to use programs, print the programs on recycled paper. This will save on costs and help to reduce paper consumption. Also, make sure you use non-toxic, Eco-friendly ink such as soy ink.
- Try planting a living marker instead of a traditional headstone. Consider planting a tree or a bush in memory of the perished. This tribute impact the environment in a positive way for years.
- Donate to a charity in the name of the family of the perished. Instead of giving a gift or sending flowers, consider donating this money to an environmental charity in the name of the perished or their family.
- Rather than fresh cut flowers consider using potted plants. Floral arrangements plays an important role in traditional funerals, however, you should consider using a few potted plants instead. Not only is it less wasteful, but the potted plants can then be transplanted to the gravesite or planted as living markers after.
We hope that these Tips For Organizing a Green Funeral prove helpful as you make plans to pay your final respects to the deceased through the arrangements of a green funeral.